Otherwise he may call off the existing relationship or the romance won't start at all, because he'll refuse to be in one with the main character. It is important that you DO NOT encourage him to keep taking lyrium. The first of these quests is entitled Perseverance and it is about Cullen's addiction to lyrium. Later into the game, you need to complete several side quests connected with Cullen (the Inner Circle tab in your journal).Soon after you reach Skyhold, he should finally react to your advances, as a result of which you will kiss.

As often as possible, talk to him and pick the appropriate dialogue options (also, play a game of chess with him). It is not too complicated to lay foundations for a successful relationship with Cullen.Also, remember to pick all of the dialogue options marked with the heart symbol. How to build positive relations with Cullen? During all of the conversations participated by Cullen (regardless of whether you talk eye-to eye, or with more characters ), pick the dialogue options that suggest being positive towards the actions of the Templars. In the rest of the cases, you will be able to flirt with him around, without any serious arrangements and this leads to no serious changes in relations with him. Who may enter a love relationship with Cullen? You can enter a relationship with Cullen only if you play a human female or an elf female.