How to use loot with mod organizer 2
How to use loot with mod organizer 2

You can use the slot you wish, thoug I recommend selecting compared one from the load order, for clarity and maintenance sake. If nothing is conflicting with the content (you can see it from MO, by color codes, or double clicking the mod information to see what it overwrites, or what is getting overwritten), then there is no problem. What comes to mods with multiply plugins, their order in left panel depends on what is conflicting with them - if any. When it comes to scripts, then you should rely on what LOOT and mod authors are telling you, unless there is some known exception. In case of textures and meshes, you can even make some pretty personal combinations, by experimenting yourself. Scripts, meshes and textures will win the conflict against what is above of them in left panel, so you must (or rather can) choose what you wish to use. "Put at the end of load order" is meant for right panel, but if mod has any resources (textures, scripts etc.) then it is important for the left panel resource priority as well. I have added basics about how to sort your resource priorities with NMM and MO here, but I think few clarification is in order.

How to use loot with mod organizer 2