The Iconian space set carries some of the biggest offensive buffs from any set.

3x Plasma-Generating Weapon Signature Amplifier +PrtG.Iconian Resistance Hyper Injection Warp Core In this build a lot of your damage will be from sources other than your own weapons so disruptor may also be a very good choice. would be good however accuracy overflow does not roll into extra criticals while using FAW, so becomes rather less useful than it should be. is seen as the most desirable modifier with as second. Antiproton is also by far the easiest to get with good modifiers because of the number of people crafting and upgrading them. Probably the favoured energy type at the moment is antiproton with one of the beams being the Iconian Advanced Radiant Antiproton Beam Array.

He never gets a chance to play anymore because he has 3 kids and kind of a demanding wife.

The build I’m sharing is based off of my brother’s engineering Sarr Theln which, once armed with Reciprocity, became a lot of fun. Salat was the one who requested this post and he’s an engineer, but this ship can be used to good effect on all captains, perhaps most by science. BuildĪny captain in a Jupiter class carrier using the Reciprocity trait. With Reciprocity, you can reduce the cooldown of your tactical and intelligence boff abilities every time an enemy misses you, allowing you to do a lot more with a lot less. Normally, the Jupiter would have not quite enough tactical and engineering to do what you’d like it to do. There is one thing that can save the Jupiter though, and that is the Reciprocity trait from the Phantom. (And I hate to say it but I actually liked the original Jupiter design better than the modernized super sleek version they’ve replaced it with.) I’d actually be a little disappointed in the devs for being so unimaginative if my expectations of them weren’t so low already. Even their frigate pets are similar, with a little too much dual cannons that they won’t use due to poor AI. The Jupiter is tougher and replaces a Lt Cdr tactical with a Lt Cdr engineering/intel but that’s about it. If anything it is very much like another somewhat lackluster T6 carrier, last Winter Wonderland’s Breen Sarr Theln. The lack of weapons is kind of disappointing for those dreaming of a more offensive ship and the boff layout is kind of lazy and also lacking in tactical. I know that many of you went and bought the new Jupiter class carrier, all excited to play with this shiniest of new toys… except it’s not that good.